Saturday, February 21, 2009

Michael's First Road Trip

Are you ready for picture overload? Yes, I am finally posting pictures from our first road trip with Michael (only a month late). I narrowed it down, but there's still a bunch of cute pictures I just had to post.

It's hard to believe we didn't go anywhere over the summer, but I badly needed a break before the legislative session started - even if it was only a long weekend.

Th first stop, of course, was the gas station. Michael loves laughing at daddy when he makes faces through the window.

Then we stopped to tell grandma and grandpa goodbye (and pick up the porta-crib that has straps so he can't pull the bottom up).

The only time he slept on the way down, and it lasted less than fifteen minutes.

Shortly after he woke up we stopped for lunch. He got a little car in his kid's meal, and had fun making "car sounds" for the next hour or so. Too cute!

He was tired, but fought going to sleep. He wanted to see everything that we passed, and look at all the cars going by. He even saw a car go by with a dog and started saying "Sanny!"

Momma read for a little bit, so Michael decided he needed to get a book out.

Look! I think I see a palm tree. We're almost there!

Let's go swimming! (no pictures at the pool - too many splashers to get the camera out)

Helping daddy get ready in the morning.

Aahhh, juice! This is the new favorite way to drink orange juice.

He had a lot of fun running around in the parking lot without a jacket.

We stopped by the temple, and Michael had fun running around on the grounds. There were two things he recognized in the visitor's center - the Christus and the picture of the sealing room.

He liked the water, but couldn't figure out why daddy was way over on the other side of it.

After lunch we went in search of a park, and found one by the Tabernacle and an old school.

Michael liked the little kid statues that were around the old school.

We wore him out at the park, but after he took his afternoon nap we decided to go for a walk. That "walk" turned into a little hike. And I was wearing sandals.

Yes, this is where we went. And yes, my feet turned very red.

Pretty views of the valley.

Michael was more interested in watching the other people that were up there.

It did not make him happy when some strange lady took momma's camera, so he refused to smile for the pictures.

It took a minute, but he decided it was ok if daddy borrowed momma's camera.

But then decided it was more fun to try to take momma's sunglasses.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Michael and Pianos

Michael LOVES pianos! It doesn't matter if it's Momma's piano, Grandma's piano, Aunt Dianna's piano, or his new toy piano - he just loves playing the piano. He loves playing Grandma's organ, too (no picture of that yet). He likes to point at the stops, and Grandma changes the registration so he can hear the difference.

Rockin' out with cousin Mason.

Trying to climb onto the bench.

Gotta hit a few keys, even if it's while running by during daily laps (running around the partial wall that separates the kitchen/dining area from the living room).

Check it out! I can open and close it by myself. So far I haven't smashed my fingers, and I really like the noise it makes when it slams shut.

If it's time to leave Grandma and Grandpa's house, stall by trying to climb on the piano bench. Grandma will put you on the bench and let you play for a while, so you get to stay even longer.

Stand at the piano, sometimes trying to climb on the bench, and mom or dad will finally help you up onto the bench to play.

Carefully select what you want to play.

Then make sure you're playing the right keys.

And don't forget about the cool new piano from Grandma and Grandpa. Not only does it have piano keys, it has a drum and a microphone!

You can use it to have jam sessions with dad. Sandy even jams with us sometimes (most of the time she just sniffs the piano or tries to lick my face while I'm using the microphone - yuck!).

No, I haven't forgotten about phones - did you know you can play the piano and talk on the phone at the same time? Way cool discovery!